Instead of being stuck wondering when and if she’s going to talk to you again, can you actually get her to invest — to think about you, miss you to the point where she chases you more?
How can you flip the script for once and form the right mindsets in your relationships so you never have to waste time being stuck in friend zones and ghosted?
If these are questions you want clear answers for, then here are the tips you need to help you spike attraction and emotion in your relationship with her, and it all starts with you making her miss you when you’re not there:
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1. Never Get Caught Up in Her Frame
Women always do things that don’t make sense but it’s never your job to figure out why they act the way they do.
It’s not your responsibility to understand why she suddenly pulled away or why she’s being cold towards you even though you’ve already both had an amazing date together.
The first mindset you need to carry when dealing with women is: you must act and never react.
Far too many men get lost and frustrated when the girl of their dreams just suddenly switches off her communication and becomes unavailable. These guys often overanalyze their situation, further emotionally investing in someone who is just not at all interested in them.
Men in dealing with these unavailable women often take things personally and start wondering, “have I done something wrong?”
But of course the answer is never quite clear, since again, women always do things that don’t make perfect sense.
So what’s the typical desperate move guys make when they don’t have an explanation for a woman’s lack of availability?
That’s right. They double-text and triple-call the girl to ask her, “Are you okay? Is there’s anything wrong?”
What happens after is always the same: the woman either reads the text, gets repelled by the needy behavior, ignores this poor dude, and then mentally lines him up in the beta-orbiter zone.
The zone where other simpletons make the same mistake over and over again expecting different results.
Funny thing is, putting yourself in this situation will only frustrate you more. You’ll never get the answer you’re looking for by just asking — you’ll only get more questions, and therefore, more frustration.
And in the process of asking her or yourself for the reason behind her behavior, you get emotionally worked up about not getting what you want, which means you could be more inclined to display further beta traits like chasing her even more, stalking her social media profiles for answers, and overreacting to her emotionally.
The sad part is while she is living rent-free in your head, she’s probably out there getting her back blown out by Chad, a guy she just met last night with little to no effort on his part.
And Chad displays none of these needy behaviors you’re showing. He acts and doesn’t react. That’s why he is there and you are here.
He doesn’t bother chasing her affection or asking why she’s acting differently, because Chad has other girls to talk to and isn’t seeking one particular woman’s validation.
And that girl you’re chasing likes that.
She appreciates a man who’s emotionally independent of her existence. She’s intrigued by the fact that Chad hasn’t fallen under her spell like the other beta-orbiters she’s used to lining up all the time.
She’s excited dealing with Chad’s unpredictable character and dynamic. She doesn’t know if she can win and own his soul as she has always done with others before him, and this is why she continues to think about, invest in, and sleep with Chad, instead of you.
Chad ends up living rent-free in her head, while he goes out the next night to blow someone else’s back.
Be like Chad.
2. Keep Your Distance
If you want to make her miss you, you need to give her some space.
If you want her to chase you, she’s going to have to cover up the space you left.
You can’t miss what you already have and you can’t chase what’s already there.
And most guys get too emotionally invested in a girl that they cannot get out of their own heads.
They are too cautious about doing and saying the wrong things that they’re unable to read the girl’s body language, emotions, and interest.
They fail to understand when to push and when to pull in an interaction so that the woman can get engaged by actually participating in their conversations.
Your job as a man willing to spark attraction is to give her just about enough to make her invest.
You’re not there to impress her. You’re not there to entertain her. You’re not even there to win her over.
You’re there to share your awesome self with her and see if she’s interested.
You’re there to give her just a little bit and then keep your distance so she can make the effort to explore what being with you is like.
Approach women with that attractive mindset, act like you’re the prize, and some of them will be intrigued enough to see what you’re all about.
Once you do consistently maintain this attractive, fun, and mysterious vibe, she’ll eventually fall for you and miss you when you’re not there.
3. Don’t Invest More Than Her
Relationships are power dynamics.
And in any power dynamic, there’s going to be someone who needs the other more. Someone is going to value the other more.
The sooner you internalize that, the better moves you’ll make when it comes to seduction and maintaining the desire of a girl.
Unfortunately, we’ve been conditioned to believe that the higher the pedestal a woman is on, the more she appreciative she is of the men below her.
But if that was indeed the case, you wouldn’t be here reading this, everyone will be out there banging supermodels, and no man would have relationship problems.
The truth is: a woman cannot truly respect a man who puts himself beneath her by acting needy, clingy, self-deprecating, and fearful of her absence or lack of attention.
And when there is no respect, there will be no desire.
She’ll never truly want you when you’re always just there, giving her ten times what she gives you and complimenting her all the time for no reason.
There will be no real value to your affection and attention if they’re there by default.
She’ll get used to you showing her more love than she does to you, and when she realizes that you keep trying even though she doesn’t give you much, she’ll know that you’re coming to her from a place of neediness, scarcity, and desperation.
She’ll then never have to bother putting in the work to make you happy.
She’ll never feel like you’re going to go away, so she can relax and get complacent. She can even flake on you and flat-out ignore you knowing she can always get back to you later whenever she feels like it.
But if you maintain high standards and strong boundaries, the dynamic either changes in your favor or is simply gone completely.
When a woman feels that your affection is hard to get and your attention isn’t easy to keep, she’ll respect you more, and this will play a huge role when it comes to attraction.
Have a woman attracted long enough within your standards and boundaries, so she is able to continue investing in you and the relationship you have with each other.
Having said that, you and her will never be satisfied emotionally and physically together unless the power dynamic shifts towards you.
She has to look up to you as a leader — a capable man with more to offer than just niceness and servitude.
4. Don’t Be Afraid to Lose Her
Fear of loss is a powerful tool to control in a relationship, if you truly understand it without abusing it.
Without the fear of loss, there will be no respect, attraction, and love.
If a girl isn’t afraid to lose you, then she will take you for granted, brush your concerns off, disrespect you when it’s convenient for her, and eventually seek other options with more self-respect.
And if you’re afraid to lose her, you’ll slowly into an emotional begging machine that will look for her approval and satisfaction on a regular basis.
Once she smells your fear, she’ll slowly turn away from you with disappointment wondering how you made it so far into her life in the first place.
It only then becomes a matter of time before she starts either strategizing her exit from your relationship if you’re in one or lining up another replacement for you.
But if you intelligently maintain your Frame and not worry about losing her, you’ll have a better chance to get chased by her.
If you carry an abundance mindset and act accordingly, you will give her something special to think about because you will stand out, and this will make her miss you and desire you even more in the long run.
5. Put Yourself & Your Purpose Ahead of Her
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the most successful man you know of is extremely loyal to his purpose.
As should be, his career, passion, and job come before anything and anyone else.
Your purpose to you should be what beauty is to women — your main foundation and drive.
It’s not just about the money that comes from your purpose, that’s just a big plus. But having a purpose gives you life. It gives you something to strive for, dream about, and improve at. You move, speak, and act differently when you’re a man on a mission.
Without a purpose, you become lifeless, lost, unsure of yourself, and dimmed.
And people, women included, will notice that. They will notice how you carry yourself and how you value your own self and life and decide whether they want to be part of what they feel about you.
No quality woman wants to be with a man with no purpose or goals in life. It’s a huge turn off having to deal with a man who just gets by and has no tomorrow to look forward to. There’re no point for her to have a relationship with someone who isn’t busy or passionate about something that can potentially carry them forward to success.
You are attractive when you’re passionate. Having this desire and passion to perfect your craft and level up in life makes you glow and special, and the right woman will see this and enjoy just simply being with you for that purpose.
When you have a life mission to be obsessed about that is not a woman, you create a healthy dynamic for the relationship to become sustainable. You become emotionally and physically independent of the girl you’re with. It is exactly this limited presence for a good reason is what also makes you more attractive.
You’ll always make her miss you every once in a while when you’re busy being productive and active with a life outside hers. She’ll sometimes even compete for your time every once in a while, just to keep your appreciated presence for longer.
But when you’re loyal to your own purpose, you’ll know that your mission is what makes or breaks you; you’ll understand that nobody can be responsible for the success and passion you can find in your path other than you.
And this is exactly why you need a set of life goals to set your eyes on and selfishly follow no matter what, even if it comes at the expense of losing someone you love.
6. Spin Other Plates & Build a Roster
The easiest way to deal with the fear of losing an option is to have other options.
The best way to keep your distance while not worrying about what someone’s doing is to have other options.
The most effective way to get good at Game is to seek other new options.
The most attractive thing a woman could find about you is you attracting other options.
The quickest to move on from a relationship is finding other options.
The most effective to make girls miss and chase you is to juggle other options.
The more options you have, the easier the game of dating will be, because you’ll never be forced to act irrationally and with a scarcity mindset when dealing with the women you’d like to have.
You’d never have to tolerate bad behavior when you know there’s another date coming up for you an hour later, because you can simply just say, “no, thank you. I don’t do that,” and leave her dumbfounded, wondering why you’re a man of character who doesn’t tolerate her BS as the other hundreds of man before you did.
When you’re dating other women on a regular basis, you will naturally be more calm, cool, and collected during your interactions with them, and they will be able to feel that sense of security that any man with an attractive abundance mindset has.
You won’t need to think too much about your behavior and you’ll actually become more playful and fun around others without even trying. This is a highly attractive state of mind.
She’ll get intrigued by your confidence, and if your actions and mindset are consistent and congruent, you’ll subtly create a dynamic where she seeks your validation and chases your approval.
Since the average young woman has endless dating options today thanks to social media and dating apps, she’s never under no pressure to invest in you. It’s this abundance mindset women now naturally have that persuades a lot of men to chase them.
Flip the script by always finding other options and never settling for one person, and that will make them miss you — wondering where you’re at and why you’re too busy to share your enjoyable company with them again.
BUILD A ROTATION OF WOMEN, without approaching women. These secrets are passed down by a webcam and strip club owner in this Ph.D. Program. |
7. Be Extremely Comfortable with Being Alone
The number one reason why men stay chasing women instead of shifting the dynamics to their favor is the fear of being alone.
If you’re not equipped to handle it, this fear will convince you that staying with a cheating wife is a not-so-bad idea.
It will teach you how to accept disrespect, tolerate it, and maybe even look for it, because for a lot of the lonely men out there, negative attention is still better than no attention.
If you want a girl to miss and chase you, you’re going to have to be extremely comfortable with not needing her (or anyone) in your life — to have complete conviction that your own company is much more blissful and entertaining than negative and undeserving company that only feeds off your attention, time, and resources.
Girls can sense your loneliness, it’s a repelling force that will either make her dry enough to push her away or (use) enough to use you whenever it suits her.
But if you learn how to enjoy your own time and focus on what makes you productive and entertained, you’ll have an easier time disposing of relationships that don’t add value to you.
When you truly know how to be alone, you’ll have a more positive energy and aura around you that will attract like-minded people towards. Your interactions will be genuine and void of desperation, fear, and the need to impress others.
You’ll have standards and will not deal with the BS that comes with dating other girls who just want to waste your time and effort without giving you anything in return.
Now, that doesn’t mean you should aim to be alone, but you should be selfish enough with your time that you only spend it wisely with those who make you happy. Because when you’re reasonably selfish with your time, people, girls included, will respect your time. They will cherish their moments with you more because they don’t know when they will get the chance to be with your fun self again, and this help make people miss and seek your company even more.
8. Use Texting Only for Dates & Logistics
The fact that a girl you like or even in a relationship with you talks to and texts you frequently doesn’t indicate any sort of genuine interest in you.
Attention to women is like getting laid to men. She communicates for entertainment.
You communicate to get laid, because then there lies your entertainment.
Having a nice conversation is important, but you can have conversations with anyone. You’re not talking to this cute girl at the party because you’re really wondering what hobbies she has. You’re using the conversation as a means to getting laid.
For the average girl, getting laid is important, but she can get laid with anyone. That’s why she’s having this conversation with you at a party, to get your free attention for her own entertainment.
And then, if you’re good enough and show her you have something to offer, she’ll start giving you what you’re originally talking to her for.
Generally, communication makes women comfortable and more in control of the dynamic.
The more you talk to her, the more you give her what she wants at your expense. Because the more comfortable and ego boosts she gets, the weaker the tension between you becomes — a necessary component for you to get laid.
So the less you talk to her, the more you get what you want and the more she has to chase you for your attention as her validation.
And how are you going to make her miss you if she already is always talking to you?
If she knows where you’re at all times, then there will be no room for her to chase you.
She’s only going to miss you in your absence.
She’s only going to chase you when there’s space between you.
Make yourself less available. Make her earn your company.
Communication, for you, should always be about setting dates and logistics.
You’re communicating just to see her, so she you can get all of her attention focused on you. You’re also communicating only to escalate your interactions and actually the have fun you’re there for.
Always text with the purpose of escalating — from just talking to her to seeing her. The more direct you are with your communication, the better chance you have at avoiding her flaky behavior and attention seeking.
You can’t make her miss you if you’re texting her 24/7 without any aims to escalate your connection to a more physical one.
9. Pass Her Tests with Flying Colors
If a woman sees any potential in being with you, even briefly, she’s going to test you one way or another.
Women must screen out all the unworthy guys to find the best ones they can afford to have with their looks. They don’t even do it consciously most of the time, it’s just their nature.
So don’t even take it personally.
If a woman doesn’t test you at all, it’s either because you’re doing too well and have passed her tests before or because she sees you as a friend and so there’s no point in testing or qualifying you as a lover.
Nobody likes to get tested and evaluated by other normal human beings just to spend time with them, but unfortunately, this is the reality when it comes to relationships between men and women.
The earlier you embrace these tests, the better you do with women compared to the other men. Understanding tests is like being one of the very few people who have figured out the cheat codes to the game.
Give her subconscious mind a reason to see the attractive man that you are by passing her tests on a regular basis, and she’ll get so physically and mentally attracted to you that she will always miss you when you’re not around for long.
Here’s a thorough guide on to spot these pesky tests and pass them with little effort.
10. Give Her What She Needs, Not What She Wants
She’s never going to miss you when you’re giving her what she wants — exactly what she asks for.
Part of missing you is her feeling that she can’t have you. It’s lust and and curiosity that will make her wonder about you so often that you take up space in her mind for the longer term.
The only way you can do that is by giving her only what you know she needs; what every woman desires.
An emotional rollercoaster.
A woman wants to feel emotions when she’s around you. Some of these emotions should be positive, but she also has to feel a degree of uncertainty and discomfort.
Because if you keep showering her with love and positive emotions, you turn into this flat and bland Nice Guy who’ll never be appreciated for his efforts and care.
But if you manage to be aloof while showing her a good time, she’ll have both the negative and positive emotions — she’ll feel the bad to appreciate the good and feel the good to find a reason to stay with you.
That’s why bad boys keep the women with little effort. A woman will never miss the nice guys she has had in her life, not from a man-to-woman kind of way at least. But the bad boy will make her miss him even though he probably doesn’t even think about her at all.
And that’s why toxic relationships are addictive and stick in your memory forever. It’s the chaotic range of emotions that heighten your senses and inflames the relationship the way drugs intensely alter your reality.
Be her drug by making sure she’s gladly operating in your Frame.
You have to be in full control of her and the relationship and never allow her to dictate the direction and pace of where your connection is heading.
Reward her when she pleases you and remove your presence when she displeases you. Do that many times, and she’ll feel fortunate when you’re there and anxious when you’re not. Comfort followed by anxiety.
Make sure she never gets what she wants and always gets what you think she needs to make her miss you she’s not in your presence and then chase your validation when she’s with you.
11. Have A Lot of Fun with Her, and then Bounce
None of these other tips will help if a woman doesn’t genuinely have a good time being with you.
Your absence won’t be a big deal when your presence isn’t a big deal either.
This doesn’t mean you can clown your way into bed, but you have to able to enjoy yourself with her so she can enjoy you as well, and then have the capacity to miss you.
You might be wondering, “what does that even mean?”
So here are some short tips for you to take care of while being with on a date:
– You should have all your logistics set up so she can enjoy a smooth date with you. You don’t want her worrying about anything that has to do with dating you other than just dating you. This means she shouldn’t be picking any venues and you don’t have to bother her with it. Always pick something that’s close to your own place for having the fun you and her will want.
– You should be able to make fun of her every once in a while within reason. Don’t be too serious. It’s okay to have fun at her expense. If she doesn’t take herself too seriously, she will play along as well.
– Never be too predictable and always subtly keep her guessing so she can always be emotionally and mentally engaged. Flirt with her like she’s a hot woman and then later tell her she’s like your little sister when she does or says something silly. Never let her know where you fully stand with her.
– Never get into very serious topics such as religion, politics, gender equality, and all of these fun killers that deter your conversations from the fun vibe you’re there to create.
Instead, have conversations that help her explore her emotions with you. Women love to talk about their feelings.
– Keep things always light and funny while escalating physically “in the background”. If she doesn’t feel you physically, she will have a harder time seeing you as a man to get physical with. Indirect touching creates the tension you’re looking for while you’re already having a fun and flirty conversation with her.
– Pay for the first date. Forget all this equality BS when it comes to who should pay what for the first date. If she decides that she wants to pay, kindly and nicely insist on paying for the first date to show her you’re indirectly in control of the dynamic and have the capacity to take care of her. Even if she feels a little uneasy about it at the time, she’ll appreciate you for not having to worry about anything other than exploring your company.
Once you manage to take care of the little details and give her a fun experience, even if she’s dating other men, she’ll miss you when after a while of you not being there, and will be more eager to see you over and over again.
12. Shut Up & Let Her Talk
One of the most important ways to develop mystery and attraction in your relationship is to shut up during most of your interactions.
Far too many men out there use the dates and conversations with girls they like to impress and prove their worth.
They talk and talk and talk without ever knowing when to stop. They make it a point to showcase every good trait and achievement they have in a way that makes them transparent — too transparent.
And that’s a huge turnoff for women.
When we, men, like someone, we choose the path of least resistance. Women, on the other hand, seek the thrill of not knowing what’s going to happen next.
“Is he going to talk to me again?”
“What did he mean when he said this and that?”
“Is he even the relationship type of guy?”
“He’s not relationship material, but I wonder if I can make him mine..”
These are examples of questions women like to ask themselves when they’re dealing with a guy they like.
They enjoy the games and figuring things out themselves. They don’t enjoy you sharing your biography and why your job sucked that year.
They are emotionally engaged when they have no choice but to read between the lines and solve the rare puzzle that is the guy who fully understands female nature and acts accordingly.
A guy with such awareness will always easily make a woman miss him by never making it clear what he really thinks and feels about her.
Instead, he’ll carefully get her to invest in him by having her talk and explore her thoughts and emotions with him.
Always ask her questions to have her talking and sharing her experiences with you.
13. Become Outcome Independent of Your Relationships
Most men treat their relationships like a vending machines. They slot in some effort and expect they automatically get the physical affection and appreciation they’ve paid for with their time, attention, and resources.
Men like these act like they don’t care, play hard to get, and half-ass their Game to attract the girls they want but still get frustrated when they don’t get what they exactly want.
You can’t be comfortable with being alone when it’s the only option you have and still desire a woman’s companionship. That loneliness will show in your interactions, no matter how much you try to hide it.
Spinning plates to make her miss you won’t work when you’re exploring other options just to make her jealous.
Giving her less than what she gives you won’t work when you’re giving her less only because you want to make sure you can keep her.
Keeping your distance won’t work when you’re not being productive about it, and instead, still choose to spend your time stalking her and wondering if she has replaced you yet.
Whenever you’re stuck in a relationship waiting for someone to give you what you think you want, then you’ve already lost.
If you really want to make her miss and chase you, then you genuinely can’t care about her actually desiring you because you have better things to do and people to see.
When you’re independent of the outcome of a relationship, you’ll act right, with confidence, and according to your belief systems. But when you’re outcome dependent, you’ll act emotionally and react irrationally, and that mindset will eventually break your Frame and boundaries.
14. Build a Fun Life that Makes You Happy Anyway
Far too many guys out there sit and wait for a reason to start enjoying their time.
And usually that reason is a woman. Unsurprisingly.
They sit there, always swiping on online dating apps and hitting on girls in clubs and bars regularly that they forget to focus on having fun.
They get too invested in the chase that they get frustrated every once in a while, pedestalizing women further because of the constant chasing.
This means in that even the guys do find someone, they think, “finally, I found someone.”
And this exact attitude is what causes to start trying being fun around this treasure you found.
The thing is because having a dope lifestyle isn’t really familiar to you, it also is foreign to you.
This is something women will always sense – if you’re naturally a fun guy with a fun life or you’re doing it just for her.
Once she realizes that this isn’t you, she will have a hard time missing you when you’re not there.
Because she knows that she isn’t missing out on anything when she’s not around.
So fellas, if you want to make her miss you, you need to stop swiping and chasing too much and actually build a lifestyle you can enjoy out of women.
By the time you meet someone, you should already have a system in place where she is to be included.
She wants to be part of that fun life you created, not be the fun life she has created.
Be Prepared to Lose Everything to Gain Everything
By now you should have realized that you can’t take half-steps when it comes to maintaining attraction in a relationship to make women miss and chase you.
You have to let her know she can enjoy being in your life as long as she meets your standards for being with you. This means you need to have high standards in place that you take very seriously.
You have to be able to show her a good time and give her pleasurable experiences when you’re around, and at the same time, be prepared to walk away whenever your communicated boundaries have been tested.
You have to consistently act in a manner that presents your presence as a gift to be cherished and sought after so she can act accordingly.
It’s either she’s in for the ride or she’s out. She’s either happy making you happy or she can get replaced and go find another Orbiter to be unsatisfied and frustrated with.
To have a fulfilling relationship that compliments your life, you must be prepared to lose her completely in order to have her completely.
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