Imagine seeing him begging for your attention…
To have the upper hand and get to decide whether or not YOU want to talk to him…
It’s a good feeling to have someone who wronged you end then up paying after making a major mistake.
Especially if that mistake is losing you.
Here’s the thing…
If you want to make a guy regret ghosting you, you need to first understand why he did so, and then how to handle it like a mature woman who truly does not care.
And without making any mistakes that would weaken your position or make you seem desperate.
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First, Understand Why He Ghosted You
1. You Gave Him Too Much
The more we build towards something we desire, the better the reward we end up getting.
Relationships are no different.
Nobody appreciates that’s what is already given to them.
We all value the experiences we earn.
So you must always make sure that you’re being earned while simultaneously earning the other person you’re dating or seeing.
If you give away too much too soon, then you also risk being ghosted too soon.
That doesn’t mean you should play hard to get, but you must prioritize exploring the connection you’re building and take the time to invest.
And have your date take the time to know you.
We often know the importance of taking things slowly yet still fast-forward towards the “goal” because we’re impatient or are afraid to lose a good opportunity we think we have.
Before you move on towards being intimate with a guy, you need to make sure you see a point in doing so if a serious relationship is what you want.
You can’t be out there looking for and saying you want a commitment yet not acting like it.
Nobody is going to give you what you want unless you present yourself as someone who is serious about what they want.
You need to go out on dates, talk to the guy you’re attracted to, and understand what makes him who he is.
It’s a pleasant ride just learning what he appreciates in life — what his passions and vision for his future are.
It’s a much more rewarding experience when he is genuinely interested in knowing what shaped you to be the woman you are today.
To know your story, opinions, and dreams…
When these relationship building-blocks are put together, one at a time consistently and intentionally, you build a strong foundation that is hard to break down later on.
But you both have to want to do so.
Never give away too much too soon; otherwise, you rob both of you of the opportunity to really invest in yourselves.
If you take your time and he still chooses to ghost you, then you need to understand that him giving you what you want was never going to happen.
The truth revealed itself right there, and there would be no point in trying to make a guy regret ghosting you if he never really wanted to be there in the first place.
If you are struggling with your dating and want actionable tips for building long-term attraction, I highly encourage you to check out the extremely effective “His Secret Obsession” guide. |
2. He’s Emotionally Unavailable
Lots of women fall for emotionally unavailable men, here’s why:
You want them more when you can’t have them.
Everybody desires the forbidden fruit.
Nobody wants to be with someone that anyone can have, and that’s a truth not everyone is okay with.
We all want to be with attractive people who, in some way, are desired by others as well.
It makes us feel special being THE person our partner genuinely wants to be with.
The emotionally unavailable and attractive man can sometimes be that forbidden fruit.
The mysteriousness, the intrigue, the unpredictability, and the tension…
A lot happens in the background when you’re attracted to an unavailable man.
You’re curious about knowing his story — why he’s just not available and whether or not there was an opportunity to change that.
You might not want to admit it…
But you secretly want to be THE person he genuinely wants.
And if such a guy ends up ghosting you, it absolutely sucks to deal with.
If this is a story you’ve gone through, currently experiencing, or might happen to you later, then you must know one thing:
He isn’t that attractive.
You think he’s all that, but your mind tricked you into believing he’s amazing.
Here’s why:
When you don’t know someone but find them appealing, your mind subconsciously fills in the gaps and answers you don’t know.
Because he’s very mysterious and unpredictable, your brain comes up with the most exaggerated reasons why they behave in the way they do.
These reasons will make him seem better than he actually is.
So what ends up happening is you get attached to the image of him that you have in your head and all the possibilities that you would have had with this perfect imaginary picture of the guy.
You don’t get attached to the real him.
This emotionally unavailable guy might have actually turned out to be a boring chump if he actually was available.
Then it would have been you who would actually be unavailable at that point.
If only you knew…
You would let go of the idea of him, and focus on building a connection that is actually real.
3. He’s Already Into Someone Else
Most of the time, a guy ghosting you has nothing to do with you.
If you’ve been dealing with a guy who is dating or into someone else, then this was never even about you.
It still might sting that he ghosted you, but he could have already been invested in someone for years and just wants to see what it’s like connecting to someone else.
It’s not that he ghosted you. It’s just that he was confused temporarily; wandering off from his partner and then realized later he went too far with you.
Girls don’t realize this, but there are too many guys out there who are out dating girls because they’re trying to forget about their ex or even a current partner while on a “break.”
If you knew that this was the case, would you really be mad that he ghosted you?
It’s okay to be disappointed, but if you realized he was never meant for you in the first place because he belonged to someone else, why would you want to make him regret ghosting you?
Instead, just say, “good riddance.”
Let’s start with someone who would actually want to be with you from start to end.
4. He Has a Flakey Nature
People think it’s okay to be flakey, and that’s because they are overloaded with options.
Anyone can get on a dating app and get to know others within a few swipes.
Don’t like that person you’re texting on Bumble?
Just unmatch.
Don’t appreciate how a guy presents himself?
Swipe left.
And this is what guys also do.
That’s why nobody cares enough to work for what they have.
They think if a connection fails then they can just hop into another one.
Having too many options seems to be the problem, on a surface level.
But the real problem is the lack of recognizing value.
If you knew that you definitely found the right man for you, all the other options wouldn’t matter.
If a guy knew there is so much you can offer other than looking pretty, then he’d think twice before losing you.
And that’s why people are extremely flakey.
There’s not much you can do about how others react, however.
If someone can’t look at you and what you can do and then recognize what you bring to the table, then you should let them be flakey and ghost you.
They had nothing to offer in the first place, and that’s why they can’t see your worth.
Value recognizes value.
If they don’t see it, don’t help them.
In fact, be glad they ghosted you now and not later.
They’ve made space for a valuable man to recognize you.
5. He Doesn’t Know What He Wants
In this day and age, there are very few men out there who know what they want and go get it.
Most guys need too many hints or sometimes even instructions to move.
Sometimes they’re insecure so when they don’t get what they secretly want from you, they ghost you.
Other times, they’re confused about you because they have no clue what they’re looking for, so to avoid any sort of tension, they ghost you.
There is another where you’d be dealing with a guy you like and would like to invest more, but since he doesn’t know how to communicate, he doesn’t know that you’d actually be willing to invest more.
Guys don’t always ghost you because they don’t care or have bad intentions; sometimes they like you but have no idea what to do, so they just jump ship to save face.
But the truth is you don’t really want to be with such a guy anyway.
What’s the point of being with someone who has no sense of direction that you have to keep reassuring him and sometimes even guiding him to communicate and do the right thing?
What you want is a man who is going to make life more enjoyable and easier for you, not a son to take care of.
So, as weird as that may sound, learn to never take it personally when a guy ghosts you — it could be his fault, not yours.
How to Make a Guy Regret Ghosting You
1. Go No Contact
Going No Contact is the most powerful way to make a guy regret ghosting you.
When you go No Contact, you can forget about him completely and make room for someone more worthy of your time to show up.
Someone better.
But to go No Contact means you must not talk to him under any circumstances.
No texts, no calls, no story-looking, no comments, no likes.
It doesn’t matter why you might need to talk to him or if he has something you think you have to take back from him.
Unless it’s a life or death matter, you shouldn’t reach out to him.
Yes, it should be taken that seriously.
And the reason is that every time you contact him, you actually push him away further.
By talking to him, you give him more validation for ghosting you.
Whenever you send him a text, he reads it and subconsciously thinks, “wow, I ghosted this girl and she still texts me?”
Not a good place for your ego to be, right?
So unless there’s business, money, or family involved, avoid having to talk to him no matter what.
The less you talk to him, the better your chance of making him regret ghosting you.
The less contact you have, the more respect you gain.
But this only works in your favor when you’re consistent with not talking to him.
Know your worth first so he does the same.
2. Avoid Getting His Attention
The first thing you’ll want to do to make a guy regret ghosting you is to get his attention.
Think about it:
How are you going to make him recognize he lost someone great if he doesn’t see what he lost?
This will make you try to come up with ways to get his attention without really getting his attention.
And that’s okay. You don’t have to hide this feeling even if it seems petty saying it out loud.
But here’s the thing…
Every time you try or hope to get his attention, you invest in him even more.
When you direct energy towards him, you make him more important than he already is.
And we don’t want that.
He already got more mental space than he deserves.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but the best way to make him regret ghosting you is by giving him zero energy.
You might probably know that by experience, but the more you care about getting something, the harder it is to get it.
Once you forget completely about it, all of a sudden it comes to you.
Then funny enough you end up not even wanting that thing anymore.
This is how you should deal with him.
Forget about all the ways you can get him to indirectly see you.
All the extra posts, stories, and pictures of you looking extra happy.
Since he knows how you normally behave, any irregularities will come across as trying hard.
And that will only feed his ego.
The key to making him regret ghosting you is by acting as normal as possible.
You might find it difficult to do at first, but the more “normal” you act, the less attention you give him.
3. Start Exploring New Connections
The great thing about people is that there are many of them.
Sounds silly and obvious, right?
It does until you’re attached to one person.
If you truly understand despite the attachment there are other connections out there that are way better than the one you’ve had with him, you wouldn’t care about him.
If you lost a thousand dollars but then later made a million dollars, would you have sleepless nights thinking about that time you lost a grand?
This is how you should approach also relationships.
And it doesn’t always have to be romantic connections either.
But if you can take the time to form friendships and romantic relationships that actually benefit you, then you will find fewer reasons to think about that one dude who wasn’t worth it.
Now, the cooler part about the whole process of finding new people to engage with is that by even trying to explore new bonds, you already start getting over him.
Just trying gets you closer to where you want to be, emotionally.
There’s time ahead of you, and endless possibilities with an infinite number of people to meet.
Why focus on that one person when you know you can find better?
If you managed to find someone you thought was great, what’s stopping you from someone who is actually great?
So if you want to make a guy regret ghosting you, start embracing the friendships you already have and position yourself in places where other like-minded people will be.
4. Avoid Giving Him Your Attention
This is where most attached people fail to handle ghosting.
A lot of women do their best with no contact until they’ve been sent a text by the guy who just ghosted them.
Then they seem to forgive and forget quickly.
Then they’re surprised when they get ghosted again.
But can you really blame him?
Before you’re tempted to make that mistake again, you need to remember a few things:
All the times he ignored you?
You just can’t forget about that.
All the times he prioritized someone or something else above you?
You just can’t forgive that.
The moment you forgive and forget just because he gave you a bit of attention, your momentum to build respect for yourself is gone.
You teach him that it’s okay for you to be treated this way by simply being okay with whatever.
The key to being treated with respect and care is having high standards and strong boundaries.
If he understands that there are consequences to ghosting you, then he’ll be careful about not disappointing you.
Your disappointment then will mean something.
Once you give him a little bit of attention after he gives you a bit of his, your disappointment amounts to zero.
So you must be extremely strict when you see a bit of flakiness and BS come your way.
People will only treat you as good as how you treat them plus how well your boundaries are set.
5. Decide to Find More Joy For Yourself
The best way to get over negative experiences is by building positive experiences.
And I don’t mean going out to the club with your girlfriends.
That’s only a temporary distraction.
Not that distractions are a bad thing, but long-term productive and positive experiences distract you and help you get over past experiences.
When your life is more productive and enjoyable, you can’t relate to your past self anymore.
When you can’t relate to your past, you have no desire to think of past experiences.
Because you just move on.
So when you’re struggling with your past and present, think about the things that you can do to make your time more enjoyable and memorable.
There are some productive activities you’ve always wanted to do but kept postponing.
There are some awesome experiences you’ve always wanted to have but you were too hesitant to just try.
You need to give yourself the chance to sit and think carefully about this…
What is it that you have kept postponing so far even though you knew doing it would make you so much better?
We often know the answer but never seem to accept it enough to actually switch into execution mode.
Well, maybe now is a good excuse to become a better version of yourself and do what you’ve always wanted.
Once you have taken action, you grow.
And if you do that many times, slowly but consistently, you get more out of life.
If you grow and live more, you can’t go back.
You actually won’t go back, that future present self would be too good.
Unintentionally, you’d end up making everyone regret ghosting you along the way.
And their regret wouldn’t even matter.
6. Promise Yourself to Be Patient
Nobody has ever gotten something valuable long-term immediately.
Most great things need time and patience to manifest and become.
You can’t get over someone unless you’ve given yourself time to accept what isn’t there anymore.
You need to give yourself time to heal and adapt.
But nobody can give that to you, only you can give yourself the time and patience to let go of any past situations.
You have to promise yourself that you won’t go back on your plan to not give him attention, think of ways to get his attention, contact him, or do anything that gets you back to square one.
Live Your Life
The best way to make a guy regret ghosting you is by not making the guy regret ghosting you.
You must be above that way of thinking to actually be above him.
People only regret something that is over them.
And you need to be over him, without thinking about getting over him.
This might sound confusing at first, but the more you start focusing on how to live your life with the aim of making it better without him, the better your life actually becomes without him.
When you get to that point, even if he comes crawling back to you, there would be no point or satisfaction in seeing that.
Because you’d be way over him.
Having him involved in your life again would simply be a step back.
So make sure 100% of your focus is completely on you.
The more purposeful you are with upgrading yourself, your experiences, and your connections, the easier life without anyone who isn’t worth it becomes.
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