And while everything seems to be going well for the most part, you still kind of want to see where things are heading, and whether or not that man who you have spent so much time and energy with wants to commit to you for good.
That’s a pretty normal feeling to have, even when the relationship is almost perfect, even when you already picture your man being the one for you, and maybe, for the kids you’d possibly have later, you still want to be sure.
Maybe you’re sure about him but you’re not sure about where the relationship is heading.
Maybe you’re sure about both but you just want that little extra confirmation to know that everything is going the way you’d like.
Well, to help you figure out if things are really going well, here are the definite signs your man wants to marry you, or is at least seriously considering it:
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12 Definite Signs He Wants to Marry You & Be Yours
1. You’re Always Included & Relied On
You can always tell how serious a guy is about you by the way he includes you in his decision-making when it comes to choices that really matter to him.
Men who are doing well in life and already have their stuff together rarely talk about their business and financial decisions with their partners, they usually have their guy friends and business partners to discuss these serious topics and keep the fun and flirty conversations for the dates with you.
There’s nothing really wrong with this dynamic necessarily, but when he does bring up a business-related situation he’s dealing with to you, or even better, asks you to help him with his tasks, then he’s doing that because he sees you as someone who is trustworthy and can be taken seriously enough to share serious topics with.
When he’s trusting you with his future’s decisions, you have to know that he no longer sees you as just this woman he’s just dating.
He actually sees potential in being with you for a long time. He sees you as someone he can rely on and have as a teammate that will help him become better at what he does.
Any man who is driven and successful will absolutely love being with a woman who is capable of positively adding to his life.
Aside from enjoying your company, if he benefits so much being with you and realizes that, he will have no options but to keep that going and consider you as someone to stay with, for good.
So when your man relies on you and when you do help him with whatever he needs to better himself, especially when it comes to setbacks and hardship, he will eventually look at you as a loving woman who wants to stick with him through thick and thin, and not just for the good times.
And that’s very rare to find nowadays.
When a relationship is that great to him, it will be a matter of time before he decides he wants to marry you because he’s never going to want to lose that kind of love and support.
If you’re looking for actionable tips for building attraction and getting a commitment from the man you want, I highly encourage you to check out the extremely informative “His Secret Obsession” guide. |
2. He Really Enjoys Your Company & Seeks It
Here are a couple of questions you need to ask yourself:
Was he always looking forward to seeing you every weekend when you weren’t living together?
Does he still take you out on dates even after being together for years?
Does he plan for getaways and trips every once in a while for just you two to enjoy?
Does you feel like he’s enjoying his time with you or at least at peace being with you, like your company is natural to him?
Does he sometimes show you things he’s working on or share silly jokes randomly throughout his day?
Men usually show their affection and commitment in their actions rather than verbally expressing them, so when you look at his actions, what do you see?
Does he act like he wants to be with you?
A good sign that he wants to marry you is if he always keeps coming back to your company for more — when he keeps investing in you and the relationship by making sure you’re happy, even when you’re hard to deal with at times.
3. He Happily Discusses the Future with You
The future is always a scary thing to consider for men, especially when it comes in a form of monogamous commitments.
Generally-speaking, if a guy seems to avoid conversations about the future at all costs, then he’s either not interested in marriage or just not quite there yet.
This means that if he has no problems discussing being with you and exploring the future that includes you, then he obviously sees you as a potential partner, and that’s definitely a sign he wants to marry you or is at least seriously thinking about it.
Here are more future-related questions you need to ask to know where you stand:
Are you discussing what you expect from each other, every once in a while?
Does he call you wifey with a sense of pride?
Is he interested in being a husband? Does he talk about what he expects from marriage or a wife?
Does he even tell you you’d make a good wife?
These questions on their own don’t mean much, but when you sit back and look at the little details of the conversations you’ve had together regarding your future, again, what do you see?
It’s normal if he doesn’t really talk much about your future if you’ve been together for less than a year, especially if you’re both young, but after you’ve already spent a lot of time together, do you notice him getting more receptive towards the idea of having you as a wife, or does he still get uncomfortable with the idea of marriage?
Questions like these are what you should be asking yourself to help you understand if he wants to marry you or you’re both just wasting your time.
Remember that what someone thinks of a future with you now is what will most likely going to be the case forever.
4. He Genuinely Cares About You
It’s one thing when a man likes being with you and enjoys your company and another thing when he looks after you and makes sure you’re doing well and have your needs met.
If he’s there for you and takes care of you on a consistent basis and has been doing so for months and years, then he finds pleasure in looking after you and not just simply being with you.
After all, being with you doesn’t indicate that he’s in it for the long run; it’s absolutely a basic requirement, but men can easily enjoy having your company without necessarily wanting to commit to you.
It’s only when he’s focused on making sure you’re happy, healthy, and secure is when you should realize he’s not just there to have fun.
When you’re stuck in a situation and you’re not able to figure a way out of it, does he take the time to lead and guide you out of it?
When things seem like they’re falling apart, does he make the effort to support you and be there? Or is he always there when you’re happy and in a good mood?
He doesn’t have to be perfect with being there, but does he at least try?
Does he look out for you and your future? Does he help with your decision-making and figuring out what you need to become a better version of yourself?
These are all questions, when given clear answers to, will also show you how much he has invested you and where your relationship is actually headed.
If the answer is a clear yes, then you should know he wants to marry you in the future, and that it could be a matter of timing and being fully ready for it.
5. He Respects Your Time & Commits to Your Needs
You could always tell how a guy is serious about you by the way he commits to you his plans with you on a daily basis.
If he doesn’t find any pleasure in making any plans with you, then that’s a sign he doesn’t want to marry you.
If he makes plans with you and then cancels them all the time, then he doesn’t really want to be with you.
If he always choosing spending time with anyone else but you, then girl, what are you even there for?
If he gives you his word that he’ll be there for you and then disappears when you need his support the most, then unless he has a very good excuse for that, he isn’t taking you seriously at all.
A man who wants to be with you will respect your time and make sure he always has time for you whenever it’s needed.
That doesn’t mean he has to be there whenever you it’s convenient for you, but he should be at your side when you’re dealing with hardship. That’s what relationships are for, right?
So if you are dealing with a guy who doesn’t just talk the talk but also walks the walk, you know he’s happy to commit to you, and that is a good sign he’ll want to marry you.
6. He Proudly Introduces You to His Family & Friends
A mature and successful man will not introduce you to see his family unless he sees big potential in the relationship he has with you.
Look around you, how often do high-value men take the step of introducing their girlfriends to their parents?
It’s not so common for a reason — it’s one thing to be committed in a relationship and another to actually show the world that they believe in being with a specific person.
That’s not necessarily because they want to keep their options open, even though that might be the case, but men aren’t excited about having to deal with the consequences if a relationship fails. They don’t wan’t to go through the hassle of having to explain to their friends and families why the relationship failed.
So when your man goes out there to the world and proudly presents you like you’re his gift, then you know it’s a sign that he wants to marry you.
He’s happy and proud he has a woman with amazing qualities like yours, and therefore, likes the fact that he’s associated with you in public, family and friends included.
7. He’s Family Oriented & Talks to You About It
Men don’t really get into too much details of family-related topics unless they are at a certain point where having a family is a step they’re considering seriously.
By default, men and especially those who have their stuff together and know what they want in life don’t typically seek the long commitment of forming and maintaining a family unless they know it’s absolutely worth it and they’ve met the right person to do so.
So when you’re dealing with a man who talks a lot about family values, what he appreciates about his own family, and what he missed out on in his childhood that he’d like to provide for his future children, then you know his mind is at that phase of life.
If he discusses these topics with just you, then he knows that having these conversations will go somewhere; he wants to know about your background as a child, your family values, and how you’re going to nurture your family later on.
This dynamic becomes more apparent the more traditional and family-oriented the man is, and along with other signs, that will definitely help you see if he wants to marry you and start a family.
8. He’s Curious About You As a Mother
Another massive sign that he wants to marry you is being specific about what you both bring to the table as parents.
Men don’t ask flings or short-term partners about how they’d be as moms or what parenthood activities they’d be willing to focus on.
In fact, men who aren’t interested in you long-term avoid these kinds of questions as much as possible. They don’t want to be the ones giving you any misleading ideas when a short-term relationship or no-commitments are all what they want — they’ll always keep things light and fun.
So when a man starts asking you questions about your child if you already have one or whether or not you’re interested in being a mom, then it’s safe to say that the idea of you being his partner actually crossed his mind, and now he’s trying to figure out where if your principles as parents align with each other.
Now, that doesn’t mean that he’s already thinking about proposing, but depending on where you both stand as potential parents and the conversations that you’re both willing to have and get into, the more questions and positive curiosity you get from him picturing you as a mom, the more likely he imagines sharing a child with you.
Once he gets into the specific details with you that have to do with the child such as names, hobbies, toys, and supplies, that’s when you know that he already sees you as the mother, and now he’s just focused on you being a family together.
9. He Flirts with You A LOT
This one might seem obvious, but it’s actually not. Here’s why:
When someone’s consistently always flirting with you even though you’ve been together for ages, that shows how healthy and strong your connection is.
And it’s not common to experience that past the honeymoon phase.
Usually couples will be flirty when everything is exciting and new — you can’t stop complimenting him and he always has something to say when you’re wearing his favorite dress.
But after a while, that excitement tends to fade as you get very comfortable with each other and get used to doing the same things on a daily basis for years.
However, if you both do things right though by keeping things fresh and exciting every once in a while, you give more room for growth, exploration, and fun to take place in the relationship.
When you’re already having a deeper connection and strong attraction, you’ll tend to look for ways to enjoy each other even more.
That’s what always keep couples looking forward to staying with each other even after decades of being together — that playful and flirty vibe has to keep going.
When you don’t have that going on in your relationship, which stops happening when there are underlying reasons such as complacency, lack of passion, and not really having anything to look forward to, moving on to the next phase of the relationship won’t make sense to him.
Even when that next step is being taken, it won’t be coming from genuine desire, it would be something like, “yeah, we’ve been together for a while, let’s just get married? Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do by now?”
And you never want to get to the next phase of a passionless commitment just because it’s time or because it’s convenient; you’ll be just setting yourself up for misery.
When you’re with a man who can’t stop flirting with you all the time even after years of seeing you, it means that he still naturally wants to be with you because he enjoy you as a woman, and that’s always a good sign that he wants to marry you in the future; he hasn’t had enough of you just yet and always wants more.
10. You Don’t Deal with Commitment Issues
Being in a committed relationship with a guy can get a little complicated, especially when he has good things going for himself.
It’s never always easy and safe being with an attractive guy because you know the kind of BS you have to deal with on social media, when he’s at the gym, and even sometimes when you’re out together.
As any couple being that has been together for a while, you’ll have these arguments about why he’s talking to this girl you don’t like or why he’s completely oblivious to this coworker flirting with him every and he just can’t see it.
These problems are normal as long as as they rarely happen and as long as he keeps respecting you as the partner he promised to commit to.
A telling sign that he wants to marry you is if he’s genuinely committed to you and has been doing so relatively consistently for a long time.
Because honestly for men, it takes extra effort to get away from other distractions and people who don’t share your intentions when it comes to your relationship.
If you know for a fact that you’re not having to deal with these horrible commitment issues that you see in your friends’ relationships, then never take this for granted — it has been smooth sailing for a reason, and that is because your man is in it for the long run. That’s exactly why you haven’t been dealing with serious commitment issues that plague almost all relationships.
It’s him wanting to keep choosing you despite what other imperfections that you have is a good indicator that he sees marriage as a realistic option.
11. You Already Act Like You’re Together
When you have a deep understanding of what you expect of each other and when there’s a healthy amount of mutual trust between you two, you’ll often act like you’re already married, just without the label and rings.
This is an important mindset to have in a relationship because people, especially women, are quite fixated on the title of marriage that they lose focus on what’s actually important: the connection itself.
When things between you develop naturally and without too many expectations, it will seem like you’ve been together forever.
People you know will tell you that you look like you’ve been together for ages.
Your friends will root for you and secretly wish they had a relationship like yours. They will even ask you how you’re doing so well together, and you’re going to be confused because, for the most part and petty arguments aside, things just somehow fell into place.
And he will feel that too. He will know that this relationship is special because of how natural it is — how it makes sense to him, and within this comfort of being with you, he’ll want to marry you because he’ll know his life won’t be as good without you.
12. You’re Always Intimate & Affectionate
Intimacy is always important for a nurturing relationship to last. It might be even the most important activity that glues you together.
Because good relationships (and some toxic relationships) always have great intimacy but you can never have a fulfilling relationship without a strong physical connection.
When a man has a strong desire for you, then it is a healthy indicator that he wants you for the longer term.
Of course that’s not the only activity he should be pursuing with you, but if after the couple of months of your honeymoon phase you still want each other in bed quite frequently, then it shows that you relationship has a strong foundation, and that consistency within itself is a indicator you’re both are doing well.
Usually, where you are mentally and emotionally is always reflected in the intimate moments you have together. When you’re fulfilling each other’s needs outside the bedroom, it’s going to translate in the bedroom.
Now, not every single session is going to be perfect, romantic, and mindblowing; that would be very unrealistic and impractical. Having average sessions every once in a while is also healthy as long as, on average, you have genuine desire for each other, then that’s all that matters.
Is the Relationship Naturally Progressing?
You can always tell how well your connection is going and whether or not he wants to marry you by looking at how the relationship has been progressing overall.
If the best times you’ve had together seem to have already happened in the beginning of the relationship, then you need to reevaluate the point of being in this relationship.
This is has to be mentioned because a lot of women out there stay in unfulfilling commitments thinking things will change somehow, as if spending more time means more positive emotional investment on the guy’s, but that’s not the case, most of the time.
Pay attention to the details — how he talks to you, how he reacts to you, and what he thinks of you.
Does he take the time to make the relationship better somehow? Or has it stagnated?
Do you take the time to make the bond stronger however you can? Or have you just stopped doing the things that got you together in the first place?
You know there are always little things here and there that can be done by you both to have a happier partner. Little things that should be appreciated by you so they blossom into loving habits that will get him to a point where he wants to marry you and be more committed to receiving the love you keep on giving to him.
Looking for a more in depth guide on how to get the man you love even more obsessed with you? Check out the “His Secret Obsession” guide. |
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